Currently in production, "OG," the eagerly awaited film starring Powerstar Pawan Kalyan and directed by Sujeeth of 'Saaho' fame, is generating significant buzz. In a recent development regarding "OG," Tej Sapru, a renowned Hindi actor who garnered attention for his role in the Telugu film "Razakar," is set to play a substantial role.
Tej Sapru recently shared insights about his involvement in "Razakar" during an interview, where he also unveiled details about his forthcoming projects, including a prominent role in Pawan Kalyan's "OG."
Tej Sapru elaborated on his role in "OG," describing it as having dark undertones. He plays the character of Emraan Hashmi's father, a role he finds incredibly compelling, thanks to Sujeeth's direction.
Detailing his character further, Tej Sapru explained that his role portrays the journey of a person evolving from a union leader to a notorious underworld figure.
Regarding the production status, Tej Sapru revealed that filming for Pawan Kalyan's scenes in the movie is yet to be completed, while the remainder of the shooting is nearing its conclusion.
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